Akhona Tshiseka

Akhona Tshiseka

Dear Hexagon Trust Fund, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Akhona Tshiseka, and I am originally from Dutywa, Eastern Cape. I am reaching out to express my sincere gratitude to Hexagon Trust Fund for the financial support provided to me from February 2011 to November 2014.

Your funding played a pivotal role in enabling me to successfully complete my studies in Environmental Health at Nelson Mandela University. Thanks to your assistance, I was able to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue a career in this field.

I am delighted to inform you that, as a direct result of your support, I have secured a position with one of the leading cruise ship companies in the USA. This opportunity would not have been possible without your investment in my education and professional development.

Once again, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to Hexagon Trust Fund for believing in me and providing the means for me to achieve my academic and career goals. Your generosity has made a lasting impact on my life, and I am truly grateful for your invaluable assistance.

Thank you for your continued support and for being a beacon of hope for aspiring individuals like myself.

Sean Ross

I was a Hexagon Trust undergraduate recipient in 2003-2005 at UKZN where I received my Bcom degree (Marketing and Economics). The Hexagon trust funding, besides paying from my undergraduate degree, was an enabler to my future successes. It allowed me to focus on studying and enjoying the vast experiences of campus life without having to stress about funding.

I have since gone on to have a fairly successful career and have even started my own small company. My love of learning has continued unabated, and I have earned the following qualifications: Honours Degree (Economics), Masters Degree (Economics), Bsc Honours Degree (Logistics), Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP) and currently studying towards a second Master’s degree in Transport Economics.

From time to time, I do donate to the Hexagon Trust as I am mindful about giving back. Thank you, Hexagon Trust, for believing in me.

Sean Ross

Pranitha Chunder

I am Pranitha Chunder. I was blessed to receive the Hexagon Trust bursary as it paved the way to my academic success and it was a beacon that helped me break the cycle of poverty. The hexagon trust funded my undergraduate b comm accounting degree. It paved the way for me to complete a PGCE (cum laude) in the senior and FET phase. I then completed my honours degree (cum laude) in education Management and a Masters degree in education leadership and management policy at UKZN. I am currently reading for a PhD at the university of kzn. I am a leader in my branch and I believe that through providing effective, purposefull education we can change the storyline of others. My goal and passion is and will always be to provide quality education through technology that must reach the poor child.....I believe my calling is to speak life, blessing and love into every child I interact with... I am purposeful and conscience that every child I meet will be changed in a positive manner… There is always a mindset change and I will always strive to improve the life of the poor child..

Samkelo Zamolodchikova Pixie Apleni

My name is Samkelo Apleni and I was funded by Hexagon Trust for my BPharm studies (2015-2018) at Rhodes University. I'm very grateful to the Trust for giving me an opportunity to further my studies although I came from a disadvantaged background. I'm humbled and thankful for the support I received from Hexagon as without them it might not have been possible to obtain my degree in record time. I hope the trust continues to support and give opportunity to those who come from disadvantaged backgrounds like me so that they can also be the hope and pillar their families need.


Raeesa Sadik

I came across you guys on Facebook and just thought I’d send an email to thank you guys for the bursary provided to me for my tertiary education from 2011 to 2014. Thanks to HT, I successfully completed my post graduate diploma in accounting and I’ve even qualified as a CA (SA) at the end of 2018.

I’ve just returned from the UK after completing a secondment there with one of the big four auditing firms - and I just wanted to say that none of this would have been as smooth and easy as it was without the assistance of Hexagon Trust. My mom is a single parent and it would have been extremely difficult for her to pay off my university fees and we would still probably be paying it off, if it wasn’t for the bursary I received. I still remember the interview I had for the bursary way back in 2010 with the board members and being asked why I want to achieve my goals and aim high in life - my answer was, and still remains the same, is that I do all of this for my mom so that she can stop working and finally get the break she deserves.

Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to provide her with that break as yet, as I’m still currently seeking a job - however, when I do secure one and give her the break she finally deserves, I then look forward to giving back to Hexagon Trust, so that perhaps another student, with a background like mine, and an amazing mom like mine can achieve the same.

Thank you to the board of trustees for considering me worthy of such a bursary and basically investing in me. I will forever be grateful.